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Overall Rating: 4.94/5.0, there are 3190 reviews.

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5-Fish (3075) 4-Fish (67) 3-Fish (30) 2-Fish (6) 1-Fish (12)

3-Fish Reviews

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: This was my 1st disappointing delivery in the more than a year of purchases. Although all fish arrived alive the Male Guppy was very weak and died about 36 hours after being added to the tank. This group of CPD's again looked "undernourished", but began eating and seem to be prospering.
  • Rating Date: 03/16/2025
  • Order Date: 03/09/2025
  • Buyer: dbonsanti

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: the pair looked sick, reached out to customer service about the problem but never got an surefire answer from them. update: they reached out about a week ago, and we sorted things out. gave me another pair free of charge, arrived healthy. 3 stars, the lack of communication in the first place threw me off.
  • Rating Date: 03/14/2025
  • Order Date: 02/23/2025
  • Buyer: zahbongo

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: I ended up cancelling my order because of my own ignorance but this seems like a good company. I hope to buy from them in the future.
  • Rating Date: 02/08/2025
  • Order Date: 01/31/2025
  • Buyer: tackerman

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: I really wanted to leave a 5 star review. I have been following the channel for months and admired the vision of healthy fish and safe shipping. I waited and waited as my local fish store was scared for me if I ordered online. When the laser cory's were down to just a few, I finally pulled the plug (my local store was having issues getting the fish I wanted). I unfortunately was told after my confirmation they did not have the 2 main ones I wanted anymore. So I substituted one. I do wnat to say communictaion was great. When they arrived the inside box and water was 90 degrees. I acclimated them slowly and quarantined them for almost 2 weeks and 2 of them never really colored up. I ended up losing one shortly after and the other is still not colored up. My advice for customers is check the weather. They were freezing in WY but in TX we were in the 70-80s. My delivery did not sit outside waiting for me, it was immediately brought inside. I do not how Dan’s could have prevented this. Delays in shipping and weather happen. If I order again I will be making sure to compare the shipping places weather and our weather.
  • Rating Date: 01/09/2025
  • Order Date: 12/09/2024
  • Buyer: AmberAutrey

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: All my blueberry snails died. The mystery snails are doing great. My aquarium is well seasoned. I don"t know why they died temp in the middle 70s.
  • Rating Date: 01/07/2025
  • Order Date: 11/30/2024
  • Buyer: Adranrod12

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: I have ordered a pair and one seems healthy and going around, but one is very dull and not coming out, its still pale in clour and very timid.
  • Rating Date: 12/25/2024
  • Order Date: 12/12/2024
  • Buyer: pathurig

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: One of the three blueberry snail is not moving around. It hangs some of its body out and does nothing for days. Two of the dwarf chain loaches came very weak, so weak and skinny that their head skeleton protrudes out. They’re trying to eat but seem picky. One of the rio Amaya developed dropsy after a few days and passed away the next day despite epsom salt bath treatment. All of the fishes from this batch are thinner and skinnier than earlier batch of the corresponding fish.
  • Rating Date: 11/27/2024
  • Order Date: 11/18/2024
  • Buyer: Draon

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: The Zebra Plecos have taken to their tank well, and they have been doing great. Unfortunately the habrosus corys from this order did not do well. All of them died within a couple days, it appeared to be from columnaris.
  • Rating Date: 11/03/2024
  • Order Date: 10/10/2024
  • Buyer: AlexKoch

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: 3 stars because I received fish alive. 3 stars because the fish in the picture of the ad did not match what I received at all. When I emailed dansfish about it, they told me I received the offspring of the fish in the picture and that if I did my own line breeding I could hopefully get back to what was in the advertised picture. That assumes the person has the time and space to do so, and dedicate many generations of work to get back to the pictured fish. Dansfish was responsive in emails and eventually took care of the problem. I like doing business with them because they normally have very nice fish, and good customer service.
  • Rating Date: 10/31/2024
  • Order Date: 10/24/2024
  • Buyer: Brandofish

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: 4/5 of the chili rasbora came in fine. The fifth was extremely pale and didn’t make it through the second night. The Cory’s were great and so were the snails.
  • Rating Date: 10/11/2024
  • Order Date: 09/28/2024
  • Buyer: rmetro28

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: Our order delivery was delayed a day by UPS and 2 of the Starry Shrimp were DOA. Some of the Amano's had molted, but I'm hopeful they will survive. The Panda Cory's are doing great. In a heavily planted 90 gallon tank it's difficult to see the new Amano & Starry Shrimp. It took about 6 weeks for the initial 4 Cherry Shrimp to settle in. Now there are literally dozens. I'm hoping the Starry Shrimp will have the same results....
  • Rating Date: 10/03/2024
  • Order Date: 09/19/2024
  • Buyer: dbonsanti

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: The Forktails and CPD's were very small and I lost 8 of the 10 Forktails since delivery as well as half of the CPD's. The water quality is excellent but these guys never started eating. I'm going to take the chance of reordering the CPD's since I have had better luck with them in the past. I'll wait to see if the 2 remaining Forktails survive.... As of 10/1/24 only 1 of the Forktails has survived. As of 10/20/24 none of the Forktails have survived
  • Rating Date: 10/03/2024
  • Order Date: 08/30/2024
  • Buyer: dbonsanti

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: Ordered 5 bumblebee golby and 5 platinum half halfbeak fish. All the fish arrived alive but raggedy. All but one of the halfbeaks have no tailfin at all. Had a golby die the next day due to no fins and was bullied by the others. So far every one else is doing great , eating bloodworms and flakes right away and starting to heal. Out of the 10 I've received 9 are still doing amazingly well the last 5 days. Bumblebee gobys being wild caught where in much better condition then the aquarium raised halfbeaks for the 3 stars. Will buy more from Dan's fish again.
  • Rating Date: 07/06/2024
  • Order Date: 06/27/2024
  • Buyer: Crayj

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: Quality control slipped on this order. Of the 4 Dwarf Chain Loaches, 3 arrived perfect, and the other one was nearly as thin as a sheet of paper. It arrived alive, but shouldn't have been shipped out. It hung on for a few days, but died within a week. Disappointing for a $15 fish, but in the stand-up fashion of Dan's Fish, who always take care of their customers, I received a full refund for the cost of that fish and its shipping. Three weeks after receipt, the surviving 3 fish are doing great and have been united with 3 Dwarf Chain Loaches from a prior order. They are a fun, goofy, little group of 6 fish.
  • Rating Date: 06/20/2024
  • Order Date: 05/19/2024
  • Buyer: Venturabananas

Seller Reply: Hello Venturabananas, Thanks for the review. It sounds like we did indeed let a skinny fish slip through our quality control. My sincere apologies that we missed that issue before sending the fish. We will reach out today and make things right. - Dan

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: Healthy and happy for a couple weeks and then both died.
  • Rating Date: 06/16/2024
  • Order Date: 05/18/2024
  • Buyer: TommyB

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: The main reason why I purchased the dwarf redtail eel was because the description online and YouTube video mentioned they are eating pellets and vibra bites, but I'm here to tell you that not all are. I bought 2, 1 is eating vibra bites and pellets, but the other won't even touch it. Just frustrated because now I have to try and convert it to prepared foods
  • Rating Date: 06/07/2024
  • Order Date: 05/23/2024
  • Buyer: aldwincastillo24

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: All the fish arrived alive. The 4 Blue Eyes immediately acclimated, but 3 of the 6 Hummingbird Tetras died within the 1st 24 hrs. They were very very tiny. Almost the size of fry. I think the shipping and transfer must have been too stressful..... P.S. 2 weeks after delivery all the Hummingbird Tetras died but the 4 Blue Eyes are doing great.
  • Rating Date: 05/26/2024
  • Order Date: 05/02/2024
  • Buyer: dbonsanti

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: Unfortunately, I haven't had good fortune with Bolivian Rams or Killis. Only one of the 3 Rams survived their 1st week. Overall, in spite of pre-testing the water (perfect parameters) and a very tight cover, the survival rate hasn't been very good with the Killis either. The Rams seemed very stressed from the shipping. All my other purchases during the 1st 6 months have worked out very well with very few losses. I remain very positive with all the livestock I have purchased.
  • Rating Date: 05/02/2024
  • Order Date: 04/20/2024
  • Buyer: dbonsanti

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: In have emailed but have not received a response. The fish came in healthy and great, but the half banded pikes I ordered are actually a different cichlid. They are Regani Dwarf pikes which means they will not reach the size I had hoped for to be living with my larger cichlids. The advertised species is crenicichla geayi and I got crenicichla regani. Over all the fish and packing are number one and the care for quarantine is awesome.
  • Rating Date: 04/26/2024
  • Order Date: 03/03/2024
  • Buyer: ronald.cowling

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: Don’t give me wrong I really like Dan’s Fish but I ordered manacapuru anglefish and those fish a $80 each. The size of those fish was like a quarter size, I’m ordered 4 of them. One of them was really weak maybe a little bit smaller than quarter size he didn’t eat from the beginning After three weeks he was dead. I think they should select those fish little bit better before they send for customers because like I say $80 for small Fish is not cheap.
  • Rating Date: 04/25/2024
  • Order Date: 03/23/2024
  • Buyer: zyzio128

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: 1 DOA Neolebias trilineatus. I was promptly refunded. All of the Neolebias died.
  • Rating Date: 04/25/2024
  • Order Date: 03/14/2024
  • Buyer: Lakb50

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: To Dan's fish team, All 10 Macmasteri and 4 Viejita arrived healthy and beautiful yesterday. After slowly acclimated the fish, 4 hours later all fish are up swimming around. Packaging were amazing, fish were packed individually in a well small double bags and no leakage on all 14 bags. One of the big male viejita about 2in arrive with damage upper dorsal fin, something eating it down about 1/4 from front to the back. Will update another review in a few weeks on how fish are doing, eating,....ect. I added another star because there was misundersta nding on a minor issue. I emailed Dan about it and Dan resolved that issue right away. Thank you Dan for a great customer. Review update after 6 weeks. 10 wild Macmasteri now are almost double the size. I'm taking 2* away for picking pair. I bought 10 wild Macmasteri I ended up with 2 males and 8 females, I was hoping to get at least 3-4 males.
  • Rating Date: 11/26/2023
  • Order Date: 10/11/2023
  • Buyer: Flyingpig

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: Received my fish after a two days with UPS shipping and a delay. My concern thus far is the manner at which I saw the UPS delivery driver throw my small box of Apisto’s onto my doorstep. Can only imagine what the handling has been through the whole journey. May want to look for a delivery service who’s a little more compassionate about what they’re delivering.
  • Rating Date: 09/30/2023
  • Order Date: 09/25/2023
  • Buyer: Aquaman777

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: I will say I believe it was alive, some had migrated from the tiny cup. When I received the culture the label said 1/2 cup {it was a condiment cup...not a measuring cup.} If I knew the size I would have waited or chose a different size. I was not happy with the small amount I received. In the description I would ask that the amount is indicated to avoid confusion. I checked the description again to see if I missed a full cup option....
  • Rating Date: 08/04/2023
  • Order Date: 07/31/2023
  • Buyer: iazukua

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: First time receiving shipped fish. Three Pygmy Corys. One was lively and took off. The other two dropped straight to the bottom…one upright and one on its side. They didn’t move for a couple of hours till my mystery snail bumped them…then they struggled into the safety of the plants. Doesn’t look good. Have a high regard for Dans Fish based on reviews but is this normal? I know they guarantee live delivery but do they guarantee healthy delivery? My six month old tank is fully cycled, heavily planted and checks out AOK with both API kits. It’s a wait and see. If the weaker two don’t make it, do I just write it off?
  • Rating Date: 07/21/2023
  • Order Date: 07/13/2023
  • Buyer: Cherie

Seller Reply: Hello Cherie, Sorry to hear that a couple of the corys seem to be struggling. Hopefully, they just need some time to settle in. Should they not recover, please email us at and we will take care of you. In a case like this where fish arrive alive, but seem to be struggling, we always refund the cost of the fish and the associated shipping costs if the fish doesn't pull through provided we are made aware of the issue in a timely manner. - Dan

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: I ordered (8) C. alleni Wapoga/small and (8) A. cacatuoides triple red/small. All fish were alive upon arrival, but one of the C. alleni was damaged and unable to swim normally. I'm not a fan of the small, individual packages - fewer fish per package and possibly more handling of the fish. I received two shipments of fish last week via USPS 2-day priority mail - zero dead/damaged, more fish/package, and one-third the shipping cost.
  • Rating Date: 04/25/2023
  • Order Date: 04/19/2023
  • Buyer: rockdoctor

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: The customer service on emails fantastic. Quick responses answered a lot of questions. The fish- eh. Ordered 3 species. The corys were spot on. The rainbows which where the entire reason I ordered from Dans are not anything like I expected. Really unhappy with the rainbows. While photos can often look a little different these fish are completely different. The garylangai I purchased is black and green/gold. I have seen tons of videos and pics from other where it’s more of a white fish with yellow stripes. They said they look darker in black substrate but this is way off. His head is black back to half of his body. The rest is a greenish tint with some gold stripes. He also came with what appeared to be a broken or damaged tail. He arrived alive of course, but a bent tail with what appeared to be red all around it. The Kali Kaibur is a harder fish to find information since it is newer. I had asked for photos prior to purchasing to get a better idea of what the fish looked like to make sure it’s what we wanted. This fish in photos appeared to be orange pink in color. After seeing the photo I ordered within a few minutes. I received a striped gray fish that has never showed any coloration. I have ordered from other places and while yes the juvenile coloring isn’t as bright as adult, it is still obvious that is the same fish. I had heard great thing about quality fish from Dans. Very disappointed in the online representation to what was actually received..especially since I asked about one of the fish before making a purchase. Not even sure if i actually got what I ordered. Others have had a great experience but we did not.
  • Rating Date: 03/08/2023
  • Order Date: 02/06/2023
  • Buyer: Cmetzer

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: This one missed the mark for me a bit. Ordered 3 pairs of these and received 6 females, one of which was DOA. The other fish came in happy and healthy though so still good overall.
  • Rating Date: 12/29/2022
  • Order Date: 11/09/2022
  • Buyer: Krscott112

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: The good: The fish are stunning, it’s worth spending a little more for the platinum rummy their bodies are iridescent and much flashier then the normal rummy. I’m local so I picked them up in person. They were carefully individually packaging, a detail I would have loved if I was shipping. The bad: 7 of the ten fish I bought were very stressed and some had significant damage to their noses to the point of having no red left. Three were in perfect condition. If I was shipping I would chock this up to shipping stress but having picked them up in person this was a little disappointing. I properly acclimated them into a well cycled tank and this morning all of the sick looking fish were dead. The three healthy looking ones are doing well and are beautiful but three survivors out of ten on a $80 investment is disappointing.
  • Rating Date: 08/26/2022
  • Order Date: 08/24/2022
  • Buyer: BratzEquine

Seller Reply: Hello Multitankaddiction, Thanks for your order. I'm sorry to hear that the Rummynose Tetras did not do well for you. Very surprising since they were only in the bag for about 1 hour. We will reach out via email and work with you to get this resolved. - Dan

  • Rating: 3 / 5
  • Comment: The fish arrived healthy and they were packed very well. Although sold unsexed, at least 9 out of the 10 ordered are male. This ratio is very disappointing since I was hoping to get at least a couple of pairs from the order.
  • Rating Date: 01/26/2021
  • Order Date: 01/21/2021
  • Buyer: travis.croxall