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Overall Rating: 4.94/5.0, there are 3190 reviews.

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5-Fish (3075) 4-Fish (67) 3-Fish (30) 2-Fish (6) 1-Fish (12)

2-Fish Reviews

  • Rating: 2 / 5
  • Comment: Disappointed is an understatememt.. 1. The Red cobra guppies - I purchased 2 pairs. The one male arrived seriously bloated and passed during acclimation. The other male is so poorly colored he looks like a female. I can only identify him vs. the females by his gonapodium. 2. The yellow sunset galaxy guppies are pretty but nothing like the pictures. I was so excited for them. I am hoping maybe they will become nicer as they age but nowhere in the sales page does it say these are juvenile fish. 3. White tuxedo females are pretty but both are giving the parasite look with sunken belly. All the bags had tons of white stringy feces. I know your website says you fast the fish so I guess it's possible the poop is from that... However, I spent almost $250 and I am not at all happy or feel like the fish were worth that price tag.
  • Rating Date: 09/20/2024
  • Order Date: 09/16/2024
  • Buyer: Nmserrano

  • Rating: 2 / 5
  • Comment: The poor rating is not for the fish but for the customer service. My fish all arrived alive. However one arrived unwell and 2 weeks later passed I sent a few emails inquiring about the batch and never heard a response. Feels bad man.
  • Rating Date: 04/25/2024
  • Order Date: 03/02/2024
  • Buyer: Aquacosm

  • Rating: 2 / 5
  • Comment: Fish are less than half of advertised price. Absolute juvenile fish… need a separate tank, so the filter alone doesn’t get them. Do Not Appreciate this, Dan. Definitely false info presented in listing. This was an exceptionally bad value. Y’all just lost a good cust…. I don’t Understand. Very disappointed in this purchase.
  • Rating Date: 08/02/2023
  • Order Date: 07/25/2023
  • Buyer: RC

  • Rating: 2 / 5
  • Comment: I hate to leave this, but 3 weeks after my order I need to update my experience. Everything came in looking good. Ordered a pair of sailfin mollies, 6 Raccoon Tetras, 5 Red Celebes Halfbeaks "Muna Regency", 1 Hygrophila corymbosa 'Compacta', and 1 Microsorum pteropus 'Sunrise'. Mollies immediately developed stress ich, but responded well to salt. Raccoons are doing ok but a few were missing parts fins when they came in. Red Celebes developed a body fungus a couple days after delivery. After two back to back 5 day treatments with Maracyn I lost 3 out of 5. I did email Dan's Fish with my water parameters. They didn't say they were problematic and said to finish treatment. All of my tanks are seasoned with shrimp and plants living in them for at least 3 months prior to adding any fish. I have 14 other tanks going in the fish room and none of them have had any issues, other than the Dan's Fish tanks. Each species got it's own 20 gallon tank that's seasoned with plants and shrimp. The Compacta was tiny for the price while the Sunrise was amazing. On a $300 order I was happy with less than 1/2 the product. I might try them again in the future but my first experience was underwhelming. Stick to your LFS if you have one.
  • Rating Date: 04/27/2023
  • Order Date: 03/31/2023
  • Buyer: Bluefish

  • Rating: 2 / 5
  • Comment: After two days of arrival the male has passed away. The female seems to be doing fine.
  • Rating Date: 04/13/2023
  • Order Date: 04/08/2023
  • Buyer: Cresecker

Seller Reply: I'm sorry to hear that the male did not make it...he was such a nice one! We'll reach out today and resolve the situation. - Dan

  • Rating: 2 / 5
  • Comment: Two out of 7 angels were basically DOA and died later on the arrival day. Fish barely had enough water to cover their bodies in the shipping bags. A third angel came in with a large gash on its side. This was only evident a day or so after. Disappointed with the order and customer service regarding replacement. Carefully read all terms and conditions as the form that came with the box and front page are not true.
  • Rating Date: 09/16/2022
  • Order Date: 09/07/2022
  • Buyer: tstevens51

Seller Reply: Hello tstevens51, I'm sorry to hear that this was a bad experience and I want to extend my personal apology to you. We did indeed mess up how we handled this one and it is my fault, so my apologies. Also, thanks for your honest feedback. It caused us to review the language of our guarantee and make some clarifications. I think the new language will prevent future misunderstandings. I'm sorry you had a bad experience before we saw the need to change it. - Dan