Current Price: $74.99
Stock Level: 5
Source: Harvested from Nature
Estimated size at shipping: 1.5"
Sold as: Trio (1M2F)
A wonderful surface dwelling killifish. These are hardy, beautiful, and peaceful. Great additions to aquariums with other appropriately sized peaceful fish.
Some of the prettiest fish on the planet are killifish. This diverse group is sometimes referred to as the "egg-laying tooth carps" in order to distinguish them from their close relatives, the livebearers. In many ways, a killifish is a livebearer that lays eggs. The non-annual species generally live as long as your typical livebearers. The annual species typically last 12-18 months. Like their livebearer relatives, most killies are easy to keep and feed. They are also famously hardy.
Setup Considerations:
Killifish are one of the most diverse groups of fish on the planet. They have adapted to many habitats from hypersaline environments to pristine rainforest streams to temporary pools. Therefore, there is no "one sized fits all" way to keep killifish. However, most killies in the aquarium hobby can be kept in anything from a small bare tank with a sponge filter and a spawning mop to a large planted show aquarium with a community of species with an appropriate size and temperament. The one thing almost every killifish setup needs is a tight fitting lid. Killies are expert jumpers. If there is a hole in the lid, they will find it and they will manage to jump out of it.
Most killifish in the aquarium hobby are carnivores. A few of the pupfish species are herbivores, but besides the Florida Flagfish, pupfish are rarely available to the average aquarist. Die-hard killie keepers generally feed their fish lots of live and frozen foods. However, that is not strictly necessary. High quality dry foods such as flakes, pellets, crumbles, etc. are also good food for killies. A rotation which includes frozen and dry foods usually results in fat, sassy killifish.
Ratings & Reviews:
Location: Wyoming, United States
Shipping: Please review checkout for final shipping options based on items selected, quantity, and groupings. Heat or cold packs will be included as needed at no extra cost.
Find details about our shipping process in our FAQ. For example, we ship most orders on the following Monday or Wednesday.
Water Parameters: We keep all our fish at a temperature of 79 F.
Our pH measures around 8.3 with a KH and GH a bit over 300ppm. That being said, we want to caution folks with different water parameters from thinking that they need to change their water for our fish. We have many customers in the Pacific Northwest, Upstate New York, and other areas that have very soft water. Our fish do just fine in their water without any parameter matching. What is most important is that the water our fish are put in upon arrival have steady parameters, not that your water parameters match ours.