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Estimated size at shipping: 0.5-0.75"
Sold as: Unsexed
The Green Lantern of nanofish, these peaceful little guys are undersized superheroes.
Looking for a small, peaceful fish that will go well in your planted aquarium? Most rasboras will readily fit the bill. They come in a wide variety of shapes and colors and, while a few grow fairly large, most of the species available in the aquarium hobby are rather small fish.
Setup Considerations:
Many rasboras, such as the Harlequin Rasboras, are assertive feeders that can get their fair share in a community aquarium with tetras and the like. Some however, such as the Boraras species and the various Axelrodi types, are much less assertive and can be outcompeted by more boisterous fish. For this reason, tankmates need to be chosen with care.
It sometimes takes newly acquired rasboras a few days to adjust to new foods, but they are not difficult to transition to dry prepared foods. We like to give them a feeding of baby brine shrimp or crushed flakes, after which we drop in a large, water stable algae wafer or protein pellet so they have something to graze on throughout the day. This works especially well for keeping weight on Chili Rasboras and other diminutive species.
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Location: Wyoming, United States
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