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Northern Longnose Cory

Corydoras septentionalis

Stock Level: 0

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Details -

I love the iridescent green faces on these guys! It does not show well in pics and vids, but it is there and it gives the fish a great look.

Like most corys, these are perfect citizens in a peaceful community aquarium with other peaceful fish of an appropriate size.

The fish currently for sale are a bit above the 1" size mark, give or take a bit. They are easy to feed and eagerly eat any food that lands on the bottom of the aquarium.

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Location: Wyoming, United States

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  • UPS Next Day Giant: Fits 40 for $69.99
  • UPS Next Day Medium: Fits 17 for $45.99
  • UPS Next Day Small: Fits 7 for $39.99
  • UPS Next Day Large: Fits 20 for $49.99

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