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Six Banded Barb

Desmopuntius hexazona

Stock Level: 0

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Details -

Barbs often get a bad rap as being aggressive, ornery fish. While that may be true for a few species(like tiger barbs), the vast majority of small barbs are in fact quite peaceful and make great aquarium fish. Such is the case with this species. It tops out at about 2 inches and is a great addition to a community aquarium.

The available fish are currently about halfway grown and are eating well on flakes, pellets, live foods, frozen foods, algae wafers, and Repashy.

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Location: Wyoming, United States

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  • UPS Next Day Giant: Fits 80 for $69.99
  • UPS Next Day Large: Fits 28 for $49.99
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  • UPS Next Day Medium: Fits 17 for $45.99

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