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Stock List

Out of stock items are listed at the end, they may be added to your wishlist and you'll be notified when they become available.

Toothpick Fish
Toothpick Fish
Indostomus paradoxus

Price: $9.99

Available: 47

Aspidoras spilotus
Aspidoras spilotus
Aspidoras spilotus

Price: $12.99

Available: 6

Burmese Clouded Archer
Burmese Clouded Archer
Toxotes blythii

Price: $49.99

Available: 26

Blue Bleeding Tetra
Blue Bleeding Tetra
Harvested from Nature
Hyphessobrycon margitae

Price: $19.99

Sale: $12.99

Available: 7

Emperor Tetra
Emperor Tetra
Nematobrycon palmeri

Price: $6.99

Available: 32

Dwarf Spotted Rasbora
Dwarf Spotted Rasbora
Boraras maculatus

Price: $5.99

Available: 67