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Stock List

Out of stock items are listed at the end, they may be added to your wishlist and you'll be notified when they become available.

Nemo Plakat Betta, Male
Nemo Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $35.99

Available: 0

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Platinum  Plakat Betta, Male
Platinum Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $24.99

Available: 0

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Nemo Galaxy Plakat Betta
Nemo Galaxy Plakat Betta
Aquarium Bred and Raised in Thailand
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $44.99

Available: 0

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Fancy Betta, Female
Fancy Betta, Female
Aquarium Bred and Raised in Thailand
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $17.99

Available: 0

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Light Blue Plakat Betta, Male
Light Blue Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Samurai Plakat Betta, Male
Samurai Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $44.99

Available: 0

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Calico Plakat Betta, Male
Calico Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $20.99

Available: 0

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Koi Plakat Betta, Male
Koi Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $26.99

Available: 0

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Koi Betta, Female
Koi Betta, Female
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Koi Galaxy Plakat Betta, Male
Koi Galaxy Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $35.99

Available: 0

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Royal Blue Plakat Betta, Male
Royal Blue Plakat Betta, Male
Betta splendens

Previous Price: $17.99

Available: 0

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Banded Gudgeon
Banded Gudgeon
Born and Raised Right Here @ Dan's Fish
Mogurnda cingulata "Mimika"

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Peacock Gudgeon
Peacock Gudgeon
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Tateurndina ocellicauda

Previous Price: $13.99

Available: 0

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Purple Sailfin Gudgeon
Purple Sailfin Gudgeon
Microphysogobio tafangensis

Previous Price: $119.99

Available: 0

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Ornate Ctenopoma
Ornate Ctenopoma
Harvested from Nature
Microctenopoma ansorgii

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Elephantnose Mormyrid
Gnathonemus petersi

Previous Price: $39.99

Available: 0

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Badis badis
Harvested from Nature
Badis badis

Previous Price: $12.99

Available: 0

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Dwarf Pipefish
Dwarf Pipefish
Hobbyist Bred and Raised in USA
Doryichthys deokhatoides

Previous Price: $59.99

Available: 0

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Mountain Grunter "Timika"
Mountain Grunter "Timika"
Harvested from Nature
Hephaestus habbemai

Previous Price: $300.00

Available: 0

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African Knife Fish
African Knife Fish
One of the "Dwarf" Knifefish
Xenomystus nigri

Previous Price: $18.95

Available: 0

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Dario hysginon
Aquarium Glaser
Dario hysginon

Previous Price: $24.99

Available: 0

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Leopard Ctenopoma
Leopard Ctenopoma
Ctenopoma acutirostre

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Dwarf Redtail Eel
Dwarf Redtail Eel
Aquarium Glaser
Macrognathus sp.

Previous Price: $79.99

Available: 0

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Half Banded Eel
Half Banded Eel
Macrognathus circumcinctus

Previous Price: $29.99

Available: 0

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Yellow Tail Eel
Yellow Tail Eel
aka Barred Spiny Eel
Macrognathus pancalus

Previous Price: $34.99

Available: 0

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Rosy Bitterling
Rosy Bitterling
Rhodeus ocellatus

Previous Price: $10.50

Available: 0

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Baby Dolphin Mormyrid
Baby Dolphin Mormyrid
Brevimyrus niger

Previous Price: $24.50

Available: 0

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Baby Whale Mormyrid
Baby Whale Mormyrid
Brienomyrus brahyistius

Previous Price: $24.50

Available: 0

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Hump Head Glass Fish
Hump Head Glass Fish
Harvested from Nature
Parambassis pulcinella

Previous Price: $69.99

Available: 0

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Small Scale Archer Fish
Small Scale Archer Fish
True Freshwater Archers
Toxotes microlepis

Previous Price: $29.99

Available: 0

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African Butterfly Fish
African Butterfly Fish
Pantodon buchholzi

Previous Price: $19.50

Available: 0

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Rope Fish
Rope Fish
Erpetoichthys calabaricus

Previous Price: $19.95

Available: 0

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Lesser Spiny Eel
Lesser Spiny Eel
Macrognathus aculeatus

Previous Price: $18.99

Available: 0

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African Leaf Fish
African Leaf Fish
Eating Frozen Foods
Polycentropsis abbreviata

Previous Price: $17.50

Available: 0

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Dip Tail Pencilfish
Dip Tail Pencilfish
Harvested from Nature
Nannostomus eques

Previous Price: $6.99

Available: 0

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Three Lined Pencilfish 'Rio Nanay'
Three Lined Pencilfish 'Rio Nanay'
Harvested from Nature
Nannostomus trifasciatus

Previous Price: $8.99

Available: 0

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Mystery Pencilfish
Mystery Pencilfish
Nannostomus sp.

Previous Price: $8.99

Available: 0

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African Pencilfish
African Pencilfish
Nannocharax latifasciatus

Previous Price: $19.50

Available: 0

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Red Beckfordi Pencilfish
Red Beckfordi Pencilfish
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Nannostomus beckfordi

Previous Price: $6.99

Available: 0

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Copper Rasbora
Copper Rasbora
Trigonostigma hengeli

Previous Price: $5.99

Available: 0

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Neon Green Kubotai Rasbora
Neon Green Kubotai Rasbora
Microdevario kubotai

Previous Price: $7.99

Available: 0

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Blue Axelrodi Rasbora
Blue Axelrodi Rasbora
Sundadanio axelrodi

Previous Price: $9.99

Available: 0

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Strawberry Rasbora
Strawberry Rasbora
Aquarium Glaser
Boraras naevus

Previous Price: $7.99

Available: 0

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Exclamation Point Rasbora
Exclamation Point Rasbora
Boraras urophthalmoides

Previous Price: $4.50

Available: 0

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Clown Rasbora
Clown Rasbora
Rasbora kalochroma

Previous Price: $9.99

Available: 0

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Apistogramma agassizii Wild Form
Apistogramma agassizii Wild Form

Previous Price: $14.50

Available: 0

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Red Edge Apisto
Red Edge Apisto
Apistogramma viejita

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Steel Blue Apistogramma Juvenile
Steel Blue Apistogramma Juvenile
Hobbyist Bred
Apistogramma sp. Steel Blue

Previous Price: $9.95

Available: 0

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Apistogramma agassizii Double Red
Apistogramma agassizii Double Red

Previous Price: $12.50

Available: 0

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Apistogramma macmasteri
Apistogramma macmasteri
Harvested from Nature
Apistogramma macmasteri

Previous Price: $14.99

Available: 0

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Apistogramma allpahuayo Yellow - Tank #FF4
Apistogramma allpahuayo Yellow - Tank #FF4
Often listed as Apistogramma juruensis

Previous Price: $16.99

Available: 0

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Two-Stripe Apisto
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Apistogramma bitaeniata

Previous Price: $39.99

Available: 0

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Umbrella Cichlid
Umbrella Cichlid
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Apistogramma borellii

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Apistogramma agassizii
Apistogramma agassizii
Apistogramma agassizii

Previous Price: $11.99

Available: 0

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T-bar Dwarf Cichlid
T-bar Dwarf Cichlid
Harvested from Nature
Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis

Previous Price: $13.99

Available: 0

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Sunset Apisto
Sunset Apisto
Apistogramma atahualpa

Previous Price: $16.99

Available: 0

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Apisto cacatuoides 'Mega Orange'
Apisto cacatuoides 'Mega Orange'
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Apistogramma cacatuoides

Previous Price: $21.99

Available: 0

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Apisto cacatuoides 'Triple Red'
Apisto cacatuoides 'Triple Red'
Apisto cacatuoides

Previous Price: $9.99

Available: 0

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Apistogrammoides pucallpensis
Apistogrammoides pucallpensis

Previous Price: $13.99

Available: 0

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Apisto agassizii Gold
Apisto agassizii Gold
Apistogramma agassizii

Previous Price: $10.99

Available: 0

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Blackberry Silver Dollar
Blackberry Silver Dollar
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Myloplus schomburgkii

Previous Price: $99.99

Available: 0

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Spotted Headstander
Spotted Headstander
Chilodus gracilis

Previous Price: $19.99

Available: 0

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Strawberry Leporinus
Strawberry Leporinus
Leporinus sp. "Strawberry"

Previous Price: $24.99

Available: 0

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Striped Silver Dollar
Striped Silver Dollar
Metynnis fasciatus

Previous Price: $14.99

Available: 0

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Green Dwarf Distichodus 'Lefini River'
Green Dwarf Distichodus 'Lefini River'
Harvested from Nature
Distichodus teugelsi

Previous Price: $49.99

Available: 0

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Spotted Silver Dollar
Spotted Silver Dollar
Metynnis lippincottianus

Previous Price: $15.99

Available: 0

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Sailfin Tetra
Sailfin Tetra
Crenchuchos spilurus

Previous Price: $14.99

Available: 0

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Brycon sp.

Previous Price: $39.99

Available: 0

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Japanese Rosy Bitterling
Japanese Rosy Bitterling
Rhodeus ocellatus smithii

Previous Price: $29.99

Available: 0

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Blue Spotted Hill Trout
Blue Spotted Hill Trout
Barilius bakeri

Previous Price: $44.99

Available: 0

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Glass Fish
Glass Fish
Parambassis ranga

Previous Price: $5.99

Available: 0

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Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Tanichthys albonubes

Previous Price: $5.99

Available: 0

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Horned Sunset Garra
Horned Sunset Garra
Garra gotyla

Previous Price: $12.50

Available: 0

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Butterfly Hill Trout
Butterfly Hill Trout
Opsarius pulchellus

Previous Price: $17.00

Available: 0

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Redfin Bala Shark
Redfin Bala Shark
Cyclocheilichthys janthochir

Previous Price: $25.50

Available: 0

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Taiwan Hill Trout
Taiwan Hill Trout
Zacco pachycephalus

Previous Price: $16.99

Available: 0

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Mystery Siamese Algae Eater
Mystery Siamese Algae Eater
Crossocheilos sp.

Previous Price: $14.99

Available: 0

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Longfin White Cloud Mountain Minnow (LWCMM)
Longfin White Cloud Mountain Minnow (LWCMM)
Tanichthys albonubes

Previous Price: $9.99

Available: 0

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Long-Fin White Cloud Mountain Minnow 'Linni'
Long-Fin White Cloud Mountain Minnow 'Linni'
Aquarium Glaser
Tanichthys albonubes

Previous Price: $12.99

Available: 0

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White Cloud Mountain Minnow
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Tanichthys albonubes

Previous Price: $5.99

Available: 0

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Garra rufa
Garra rufa
Pedicure Fish

Previous Price: $5.99

Available: 0

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Marbled OB Peacock Cichlid
Marbled OB Peacock Cichlid
Aquarium Bred and Raised in Israel
Aulonocara sp.

Previous Price: $24.99

Available: 0

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Smokey Pinoy Angelfish
Smokey Pinoy Angelfish
Pterophyllum scalare

Previous Price: $29.50

Available: 0

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Blue Avatar Angelfish
Blue Avatar Angelfish
These are stunning...really nice blue coming in on them!

Previous Price: $45.00

Available: 0

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Platinum Marble Angelfish
Platinum Marble Angelfish
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Pterophyllum scalare

Previous Price: $21.99

Available: 0

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Altum Angelfish 'Rio Ventauri'
Harvested from Nature
Pterophyllum altum

Previous Price: $59.99

Available: 0

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Platinum Angelfish
Platinum Angelfish
Pterophyllum scalare

Previous Price: $12.99

Available: 0

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Dantum Angelfish
Dantum Angelfish
Aquarium Bred and Raised
Pterophyllum altum x scalare

Previous Price: $24.99

Available: 0

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Red Devil Angelfish
Red Devil Angelfish
Aquarium Glaser
Pterophyllum scalare

Previous Price: $69.99

Available: 0

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Orange Koi Angelfish
Orange Koi Angelfish
Aquarium Bred and Raised in Israel
Pterophyllum scalare

Previous Price: $14.99

Available: 0

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Smokey Blue Pinoy Angelfish
Smokey Blue Pinoy Angelfish

Previous Price: $37.50

Available: 0

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